Did you know?
Dr. Busuito served as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Wayne State University Physician Group.
Dr. Busuito speaks to Dean of the School of Medicine and Administrators on a regular basis. He understands the challenges at every level of the educational process. This is a Surgeon’s Leadership. If there is anyone deserving to be on the Board of Governors of the entire University – it’s Dr. Michael Busuito.

About Dr. Michael Busuito
For over 40 years, Wayne State University has been at the forefront of Dr. Michael Busuito’s life. He is committed to continuing to make Wayne State a destination for all students interested in receiving a quality education.

Michael Joseph Busuito is a lifelong Detroit area resident. Born in Detroit, he is a second
generation descendent of Sicilian Catholic immigrants and a product of the public
education system in Michigan. He received his B.S. degree in 1976, from the University of
Michigan, and his M.D. from the Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1981.
Following medical school, he completed a five-year residency in General Surgery and a
two-year residency in Plastic Surgery. He was chosen to be the Chief Administrative
Resident in both training programs at the Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
Affiliated Program, and subsequently earned his board certification from both the
American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Busuito has dedicated his life to serving his profession and training future physicians.
Since beginning his practice, he has continually been involved in research as well as
teaching medical students and surgery residents. He is proud of his affiliation with Wayne
State University, and currently serves as Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, a
voluntary position, at the Wayne State University School of Medicine. In addition to his
busy practice of plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Busuito frequently lectures in his
specialty and is internationally published.
Dr. Busuito has held and currently holds seats on several boards. His board experience
includes a bank board and community and charitable foundations, among others. He has
been very active in service in philanthropy for causes he supports, including the Wayne
State School of Medicine.
Dr. Busuito currently holds several leadership positions in the hospitals where he
practices. His practice is split between both disciplines of plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery
and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Busuito has been the recipient of many honors and awards
for his surgical accomplishments as well as his teaching endeavors, his community service
and his charitable work. He is the father of six children, all of whom participate in
community service.
Dr. Busuito has performed thousands of charitable surgical procedures on children
around the world through Operation KINDNESS (Kids In Need Deserve Necessary
Essential Surgical Services), a charitable surgical organization of which he is a co-founder.
Operation KINDNESS provides surgical services to infants and children who live in areas
of the world where the expertise and/or technology is not available to treat the terrible
deformities with which they are born. Most of these congenital defects involve cleft lip
and palate deformities. Dr. Busuito and his team have been performing these surgeries for
more than 25 years and they donate their time, services and supplies free of charge to
those in need.
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